Sunday 23rd June,  21st July, 18th August 2019 Venus Lake @ Westlake Reserve

The Canterbury J Class Owners Association Inc. has been given permission to use the lake at Westlake Reserve.

Our use is conditional and the committee will see to that part.

We are starting off with a “Winter series”, three events over three months, there will be an overall winner and a handicap winner. At this stage we have no trophies, we intend to gauge participation and its future before investing or sourcing more trophies.

The Notice of Race and sailing Instructions are very simple, very basic, as we intend to have the event a bit “relaxed”, (the racing Rules of Sailing, Appendix E still apply to all).
All results will be counted regardless if you attend for one or all of the days.


We have a small feature article in the next Halswell community newsletter introducing the Canterbury J Class Yacht and advertising our intentions, so we may well end up with an audience.

When at this lake everyone is asked to;
Keep the footpath clear so pedestrian traffic is not inconvenienced or inhibited.
DO NOT park on the grass. The carpark is not big and might be easily filled.
Avoid conflict with the wildlife, ducks, geese, swans and few gulls.
We will be watched and can expect one or two individual resident to make comment, so best behaviour please.

Toilets are in the park, about 100 meters away.

We suggest;
Clean or disinfect your hands before touching anything to be consumed.
You will need gumboots.