Membership ApplicationΔ Contact Membership ApplicationApplicantFirst NameLast NameAddressStreetTown or City including PostcodeEmailPhoneEmergency ContactEmergency Contact NameEmergency Contact PhoneBoat OwnershipRegistered Hull NumberBoat NameBoat has Measurement Certificate- Select -YesNoDon't knowPrevious Owner [if known]Main Sailing Venue[s]Sponsors [2 required]Sponsor 1Sponsor 2Membership Conditions1. I will abide by the Rules of the Association in its Constitution2. I am aware of the inherent risks in the Activity Program anda. accept responsibility for my personal safety and well being, andb. respect the well being of other members, andc. accept responsibility for the safe use of my own and the Association’s property.I accept these conditions YesSubscriptionThe Annual Membership Fee is $15.00.Preferred payment method is by direct credit to the Association's Bank Account.Account Number: 06 0996 0271045 00Please use your "Your Name" and "CJCOA Subs" as a reference.Or cash payment to any CJCOA Committee Member (No Cheques Please)Payment Method Direct Credit CashTick if you require a receipt Receipt RequiredSubmit Form