Welcome to
The Canterbury J Class (One Design) Owners Association Inc.
The Association’s aim is to keep to the original concepts of the boat which was, simple, economic to
build using readily available locally sourced materials and keep todays boats the same as yesterday’s
so there is plenty of opportunity to enjoy the build, the boat, be competitive and be creative.
Except for the first 12 boats, our hull, lead keel and trim weight have not been altered, other than
minor cleaning up of the original fibreglass plug and subsequent fibreglass moulds.
The Canterbury J can be built modern or traditional, either way we strongly encourage all boats to be
within the class rules, obtain a measurement certificate and be kept up to that standard which may
assist with the resale opportunity of your boat.
You must own a Canterbury J Class boat (hull and lead’s from our official moulds) to apply for
membership which is a modest $15 PA, and once a member, the following become available.
A newsletter issued about 3 times per year, bow bumpers usually rounded to the dollar nearest our
cost, one of the sail makers offers a discount, our website is available for buying or selling of
Canterbury J’s and free measuring service, (We have measurers in Christchurch x 3, Ashburton x 1
and Tauranga area x 2, last of all, you may be able to participate in any or all of our events, refer to our
Annual Events Sheet.
If you want to build, we have appointed hull supplier(s) and they can supply the fibreglass hull, lead
keel and trim weight, they may have other parts as well as advice on where to get them.
Whether you are buying a hull & lead to build, or had / having a boat built, or buying / bought an
already built boat, please complete the form at the end of this or hand it back to the hull supplier or
email it to us. admin@canterbury-j-class.nz
Refer to our website https://canterbury-j-class.nz and go here for new membership
applications. Please help us to keep our records up to date, it helps us all communicate.
A number of our members are also members of the Christchurch Model Yacht Club and sail at their
venue of Lake Victoria, Hagley Park on their sailing days which are, Saturday, starting 1.30PM, Wednesday, starting 10.30AM.
(NOTE ; the CMYC is a separate organisation entirely from the Canterbury J Class Owners Association and their venue(s) may vary, refer to the CMYC website)
There is a very strong group who sail on the lake on Matuku Lakes Ferrymead near the Heritage Park,
Christchurch, the sailing days and times are usually Monday and Friday starting 10AM, but that may
vary according to numbers and conditions, other days may also see sailing there.
There is a growing number of enthusiastic members and support in Hamilton, Tauranga, Rotorua
Waihi  Katikati and Palmerston North areas with two members coordinating and communicating with owners regularly. (At
the time of writing this there is no formal gatherings times, all sail at their respective organisation’s
venues). There is annual North Island Championship, notification of which will be on our website.
For any contacts please use our contact form on our website or talk with any of the committee.
Our website https://canterbury-j-class.nz has class rules and measurement sheets are available to
download, there is also a page “Building a J”, a very basic outline of a build.
There are a lot of experienced owners who can offer little tips, help or advice on building, restoring,
the electrics and the very last thing, tuning up your boat for sailing, just ask. Don’t forget to take