CJCOA  Endeavour Trophy   8 March 2025. Lake Victoria

The day started somewhat grey and overcast with early showers around the city that I suspect drew only the hardy types to the lake today. Despite the early overcast conditions the weather cleared  as predicted  and turned into a sunny day with  light winds from the south with ( to quote one of our sailors ) oscillating and  variable conditions.

Despite the wind conditions, Polly took line honours for the Endeavour Trophy, with Jim Patterson coming a close second and Bruce Lang in third.

For the Defender Trophy using the handicap system, Chris Striker was fortunate to take this, with Al Ross again a close second and Derek Kraak in third place.

The Goodwill Trophy was presented to Vern Rolton for the fine effort in tabulating the results and driving the computer program today.

On behalf of all the sailors  I would like to thank Rod Liddy for the well run and controlled race program we had today and for presenting the trophies.

See the photos showing Rod Liddy presenting the trophies and the sunny weather we sailed in today. Regards Chris Striker

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