The Pegasus Radio Sailing Club had a “show and tell” day at their lake on Saturday 11th May.
Graeme Raxworthy and myself were invited up to do our bit for the Association and I think we did that OK.

Graeme took one of his latest creations, No 321 and I took up No 7 so we had the old and the new, Lloyd Harman was also there with 241, as was No 325 from Rangiora.

Despite being a bit chilly they put on a great day and had Canterbury J’s, Timaru J’s, Lasers, DF65, DF95, IOM’s, a Marblehead, a Fairwind and a couple of others I cant recall the names of including a trimaran, a real mix of boats and it was great to see and be part of.

The day centered around the different boats that people have and just an enjoyable time of sailing and talking.A short course of three marks was set up and the sailing was pretty relaxed with a breeze that was gentle but consistent, I think every boat was sailed, no handicaps, no results, just an enjoyable time for all.

They are planning on another similar day and an invitation is expected sometime in the future for all members of the Canterbury J Class Association. When it arrives we will distribute to all and suggest a good turn out would help our class and show support for furthering and spreading the word of the Canterbury J Class and just how good a boat this is, not only to sail but also build.

Will keep you informed.