New club formed in Pegasus, Canterbury “Pegasus Radio Sailing Club”
Following the recent successful South Island International One Metre Championships held on Lake Pegasus, involving 29 skippers from all around New Zealand, it became apparent to all that the lake offers one of the best facilities in the country for this hobby/sport. Several enthusiastic Pegasus residents already have, or have since bought, radio yachts of various designs and costs.
As well as getting their boats out as often as they can during the week, they have been joined by a significant number of experienced radio yacht owners from Christchurch and surroundings every second Sunday to enjoy competitive racing, share their knowledge and build a strong camaraderie.
This led to lakeside discussions about forming a new club for radio yachts to be established right here in Pegasus. A meeting was scheduled and held at the Flat White on Sunday 5th August to gauge the level of interest in forming a new club. Twenty people met and unanimously passed the motion to name the club “Pegasus Radio Sailing Club”.
A steering committee was formed to prepare a draft constitution and health and safety plan, consult with the Waimakariri District Council and local Pegasus interest groups, develop a membership structure, insurance requirements, prepare an application and other necessary requirements to register the club as an incorporated society. The steering committee is aiming to present the application late November or early December to a public meeting of all interested people.
Anyone interested in knowing more, or interested in becoming part of this exciting new club can contact Ian McGregor, Rick Proko, Gareth and Sheena Lyne, Paul Johnson and Bruce Edgar by email: .